Have you considered your funding options? We’re running four 30-minute bite size events which will provide an insight into the funding landscape, what is available and pitching for investment.

These events are aimed at businesses who both have a good idea of the landscape and those who are new to the world of funding. The events will be run alongside Barclays Eagle Labs Newcastle, who help entrepreneurs and ambitious businesses to innovate and scale.

The event information and links to register are as follows:

23rd February – An Introduction to Funding

In this quick 30-minute event, we will cover what funding options are available for businesses, which will include:
▪ Debt
▪ Grant
▪ Equity
We will discuss what each of these entail and what routes you can go down, to source these. As well as the pros and cons of each one. You can then start to consider what options are available and suitable for your business.
We will also briefly cover who we are, what we offer and how we fit into the funding landscape.
CLICK HERE to register.
23rd March – The Pitch Deck
Learning to pitch your business is an essential part of running your own scaling business. What needs to be included varies depending on your audience. Join us to hear what investors like to see and how to structure it. In this event, we will discuss:
▪ The content of the pitch
▪ What to cover and what not to cover
▪ How to structure your pitch
This event will be a very quick look at the pitch deck itself. Whether you are pitching for 5 minutes or 10 minutes your slide deck has to contain certain information, angelgroups will cover what that is and how to structure it. Which leads on nicely to the next event, the pitch itself.
CLICK HERE to register.
20th April – The Pitch 
Now we are on to the pitch itself, and the delivery of the pitch. During this session we will cover:
▪ The do’s and don’ts of pitching for investment
Businesses usually have a lot riding on a pitch, so it’s important to get it right. You want to spend the time (whatever that may be) on delivering your pitch in a way where an investor understands what you do, the investment opportunity and what you are looking for. This session will be a quick look on how best to deliver your pitch and the common pitfalls to avoid.
CLICK HERE to register.
25th May – Investments – Passive vs. Active 
At this last bitesize session on funding, we will cover:
▪ The difference between passive and active equity funding
▪ The pros and cons of passive and active
▪ A bit more about angelgroups
We will be finishing off these events focusing on equity funding and what the differences are between passive and active, as well as the pros and cons of each. We live in the world of active angel investment, which is often referred to as ‘smart money’ so we will be ending the session with some more information on what this is and how it can help your business. We will try and fit in some Q&A on this last event so we can answer any questions you have.
CLICK HERE to register.

At the start of the year there is always an increased appetite from angel investors to invest their funds before the end of the tax year, which allows them to make the most of the relevant tax incentives.

As a result of this, we are working hard to complete our current investment deals with that deadline in mind. This week alone we have run 7 due diligence calls and are currently supporting upwards of 10 businesses through this phase.

Last month we concluded our first deal of 2021, which we are excited to release details of in the coming weeks. Watch this space!

hand putting money in bank

How long should a pitch to angel investors be?

10 minutes, that’s how long our businesses pitch for. We have a saying that ‘you are not pitching for investment, you are pitching to go to the next stage in an investment journey’. With a 10 minute pitch followed by a 10 minute Q&A, we have found this is exactly the right time for our investors to decide if they want to know more.

The purpose of a pitch is not for an investor to get out their cheque book after the times up, but to make the decision if they want to go to that next stage.


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Zoom recorded that in December 2019 they had a maximum number of daily meeting participants of 10 million, in March 2020 this rose to a staggering 200 million.

Online meetings and events have allowed us all to keep going, whether that be with work or a weekly quiz night (that got old really quick!).

When looking at our events statistics for last year, we ran:

  • 3 online SME educational events
  • 2 online angel educational events
  • 29 online pitching sessions
  • countless online pitch preparations and due-diligence sessions

We have no doubt that our hours of preparing to move to an online solution added tremendously to Zoom’s stats, but it was important to us that not only did we move to an online solution quickly, but that we did it to a high standard.

We look forward to returning to physical events, but we’ll certainly be keeping an online version which has worked really well for our groups.


Have you considered your funding options? We’re running four 30-minute bite size events which will provide an insight into the funding landscape, what is available and pitching for investment.

These events are aimed at businesses who both have a good idea of the landscape and those who are new to the world of funding. The events will be run alongside Barclays Eagle Labs Newcastle, who help entrepreneurs and ambitious businesses to innovate and scale.

The event information and links to register are as follows:


23rd February – An Introduction to Funding

In this quick 30-minute event, we will cover what funding options are available for businesses, which will include:
▪ Debt
▪ Grant
▪ Equity
We will discuss what each of these entail and what routes you can go down, to source these. As well as the pros and cons of each one. You can then start to consider what options are available and suitable for your business.
We will also briefly cover who we are, what we offer and how we fit into the funding landscape.
CLICK HERE to register.
23rd March – The Pitch Deck
Learning to pitch your business is an essential part of running your own scaling business. What needs to be included varies depending on your audience. Join us to hear what investors like to see and how to structure it. In this event, we will discuss:
▪ The content of the pitch
▪ What to cover and what not to cover
▪ How to structure your pitch
This event will be a very quick look at the pitch deck itself. Whether you are pitching for 5 minutes or 10 minutes your slide deck has to contain certain information, angelgroups will cover what that is and how to structure it. Which leads on nicely to the next event, the pitch itself.
CLICK HERE to register.
20th April – The Pitch 
Now we are on to the pitch itself, and the delivery of the pitch. During this session we will cover:
▪ The do’s and don’ts of pitching for investment
Businesses usually have a lot riding on a pitch, so it’s important to get it right. You want to spend the time (whatever that may be) on delivering your pitch in a way where an investor understands what you do, the investment opportunity and what you are looking for. This session will be a quick look on how best to deliver your pitch and the common pitfalls to avoid.
CLICK HERE to register.
25th May – Investments – Passive vs. Active 
At this last bitesize session on funding, we will cover:
▪ The difference between passive and active equity funding
▪ The pros and cons of passive and active
▪ A bit more about angelgroups
We will be finishing off these events focusing on equity funding and what the differences are between passive and active, as well as the pros and cons of each. We live in the world of active angel investment, which is often referred to as ‘smart money’ so we will be ending the session with some more information on what this is and how it can help your business. We will try and fit in some Q&A on this last event so we can answer any questions you have.
CLICK HERE to register.
Happy New Year!
We hope everyone had a wonderful time over the festive period.
We are starting the New Year with a team meeting where we will be focusing our energies and plans around what we aim to achieve this year. 
We hope everyone’s first day back is a good one, and we look forward to whatever 2021 has in store (let’s hope it’s not as challenging as last year!). 
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Yesterday was our last event of 2020, which was an Angel only roundtable discussion on some of this year’s deals. We reflected on past, present and future investment opportunities, and contemplated what 2021 has in store for the funding world. 

We’re really looking forward to the New Year, where we have some exciting plans in motion that we are eager to launch, and are already preparing for January’s events.
We look forward to following the success of the businesses we have had the pleasure of working with this year, and are excited to support new founders and their teams in 2021. 
In the meantime, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

It’s always fantastic to read news about the businesses we have supported in their funding journey.

My Bespoke Room continues to go from strength to strength, and with such a fantastic team we have no doubt they will continue to do so.

Well done to the team at My Bespoke Room, we look forward to following their continued success.

To read the article CLICK HERE.

My Bespoke Room

According to the latest research conducted by the British Business Bank:

  • 46% of UK Business Angels expect to make new investments during 2020/2021
  • 57% of UK Business Angels made an investment between April and July 2020
  • 72% of UK Business Angels are confident about the future growth in value of their portfolio
  • 54% of UK Business Angels had greater engagement with their portfolio companies during the pandemic

It also showed the current challenges/barriers facing angel investors are:

  • 45% – economic uncertainty
  • 32% – impact of Covid-19
  • 26% – selecting/finding the right opportunities
  • 26% – lack of liquidity/exit opportunities

These statistics shine a light on the behavior of business angels during 2020, and the challenges they face in considering investment opportunities.

To red the full report, CLICK HERE.

People invest in people.

You might have heard this phrase before, and research shows that is absolutely true. We use the phrase ‘always a grade A team with a grade B product and never the other way around’.

We’ve had businesses pitch with us where the investors have said “I don’t care what they do, they are investible”, and invest because they believe in the founders and their team. There are of course multiple factors that go into an investment decision, but the ‘people’ factor is one of the strongest.

microphone on mic stand


“In the UK only 1 in 3 entrepreneurs are female. Their businesses are only 44% of the size of male led businesses in terms of their contribution to the economy, and they receive less than 1% of venture capital.”

At this year’s Future Forward event as part of the UK Business Angels Investment Summit we heard from Alison Rose, CEO Natwest Group, who provided some statistics from The Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship report

She outlined the key areas of focus which emerged from their review, these are:

  • Increase funding towards female entrepreneurs
  • Provide greater family care support
  • Make entrepreneurship more accessible for women by increasing support locally through relatable and accessible mentors and networks

Since the report findings the Investing in Women Code has been introduced, which is a commitment to support female entrepreneurship in the UK. Improving access to advice, resources and finance needed to run a business, of which there are now 66 signatories – we are proud to be one of those signatures.

We hope to see the statistics change in the years to come.

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“This year I will…” quickly became “Next year I will…” for a lot of companies who have been affected by COVID-19. For some businesses it was even “If we survive this year…”.

We have seen some incredible transformations within businesses during this time, to not only survive, but to thrive.

The UK Business Angels Report 2020 stated that over half of UK business angels have continued to invest during COVID-19. We have supported many businesses with their funding raise this year, and are pleased to say investments have continued as usual in our groups.

If you’re considering your funding options to excel your growth plans in 2021, we would be delighted to hear from you.

If we’ve learnt anything from 2020 it’s to expect the unexpected!

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