Next week we are running our first online pitching session for our new Newcastle angel group. We have 4 fantastic businesses who will be pitching for funding and support, all of which are different in terms of stage and sector, but all have one thing in common – brilliant founders.

We’re really looking forward to welcoming our new group of angels to their first angelgroups pitching session, and can’t wait to get this group fully up and running with the support of our partners Ward Hadaway, Barclays and Ryecroft Glenton. 

Tomorrow is our 6th online pitching session, so we’re fully in the swing of them now. Our angel members have really got behind the online events, investment talks are actively taking place and deals are looking to conclude soon!

When the world got turned upside down what was a ‘future plan’ quickly became a ‘two weeks time maximum’ plan. What is amazing during these difficult times, is how different industries have innovated and adapted. It’s inspiring, and we see it daily.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our online pitching session then just get in touch

An exciting day for angelgroups…

Today we launched our Newcastle Angel Group alongside our partners Ward Hadaway, Ryecroft Glenton and Barclays. We kicked off the events for the region with an Angel Only event where the partners provided detailed talks around the tax benefits of investing, shareholder agreements and wealth management.

We will be running our first pitching session (virtually) for Newcastle next month. It’s an exciting milestone for angelgroups and we’re really looking forward to sharing updates on our new Newcastle group!

Newcastle launch

We have been working with some fantastic businesses to help them secure the investment and support they are looking for. One of the businesses who pitched with us last week got the most amount of angel interest in angelgroups’ history – which is so exciting!

With another online pitching session tomorrow, we are run off our feet at the moment. Saying that, we always have time to chat to businesses who are exploring their funding options. As always, just get in touch.


Last week we took part in a roundtable discussion hosted by the UK Business Angel Association on Angel Investing in the North during COVID-19. It was so insightful to see what other angel groups are doing during these uncertain times, and not surprising that they, like us, have moved to an online solution, some looking to move permanently to that model. What stuck out the most during the discussion though, was that angel groups are busier than ever.

We get to see some incredible businesses, it’s one of the best parts of running an angel group. Behind these businesses are great founders who are investible just as people. These businesses never cease to amaze us, especially at the moment with how they are adapting to the current COVID-19 situation. They are working harder than ever to succeed.

It truly is inspiring. Keep at it everyone! And if you’re looking for funding in the meantime, you know where we are.


We are thrilled to announce that in two weeks time we will be launching our Newcastle angel group (virtually)! Our first event will be an online educational session where we will get to meet the local angels and along with our partners provide guidance on the latest tax incentives, shareholder agreements, angel case studies and a bank’s perspective on investing.

We can’t wait to meet everyone and start building our angel group in the region. Newcastle has some fantastic high growth businesses with some great entrepreneurial activity. We’re really looking forward to building a strong angel group in the region to support these local businesses.

It’s been a busy old month working from home. Finding that work/life balance is tricky when the two have no separation. We like to start and end the day with team meetings. Starting the day having a catch-up with colleagues and discussing our plans for the day, then winding up work finding out how everyone has got on and discussing what their evenings have in store.

We’re spending the rest of the week getting ready for our next pitch events and organising follow-on investment meetings. We hope everyone is keeping well and safe during these difficult times. 

Martin working

A few months ago we recorded a podcast with Nick Bramley as part of his Impact Sessions.

If you’re interested in learning more about Angel Investment then we would love for you to give it a listen.

Click HERE to view via YouTube.

Only a couple of weeks until our next Breaking Down the Investment Landscape virtual workshop which is ran in partnership with Barclays Eagle Labs. We’ll be covering:

  • Is investment right for you
  • Angel or crowd funding
  • Valuation – what is your strategy
  • What an angel is looking for
  • What does your perfect angel look like
  • Pitching for investment

If you’re interested in finding out more about the investment landscape then this event is for you!

Register now to secure your spot.

Just a quick one – yesterday was our first online pitching session, and we are thrilled to say that it went really well. We had 4 fantastic businesses pitch, all very different but each with huge growth potential. We’re even more pleased because all of the business got investor interest. A great start to our online events!

Good customer feedback is great at any time, but good feedback during the current situation with COVID-19 is fantastic. One of the businesses who is pitching with us online next week, took the time earlier to tell us how pleased they were with our approach to moving to an online solution so quickly and thank us for the support they have received.

This feedback makes all the hard work worthwhile. We’ve learnt so much over the past couple of weeks, as I’m sure most businesses have. Some of the tools we are keen to implement when we all come out the other side.

In the meantime, every day is a learning day and we are here, up and operational if you want to begin your funding journey.

It was fantastic to see some familiar faces today via Zoom, and getting to show everyone the ropes ahead of our first online pitching session in a couple of weeks time.

We did of course miss having everyone together in a room for a catch-up. But all things considered, we were just pleased to see everyone fit and well. 

Roll on the next Zoom Training which will be tomorrow morning. We’re looking forward to seeing more familiar faces and checking in with everyone.

Martin Zoom