Yesterday was our Leeds pitching session and what a brilliant session it was! A big well done to all the great businesses who pitched, we had some fantastic feedback and interest from the Angels. We’re excited to see where it goes for them. 

Canva Leeds

Last week we held our first pitching session since the summer break and it was fantastic to get back in to the swing of things! Now we are back up and running we have pitching sessions most weeks, with the next being in Leeds this Thursday where we have another group of fantastic businesses set to pitch. If you’re looking for Investment or just want to chat through your funding options then just get in touch  – make today the day you start your funding journey! 

Are you looking to make an R&D Tax Credit claim but are unsure how to go about this? We are running a FREE event at Wizu Workspaces in Leeds to help you do just that. Not only will we give you a brief overview of R&D Tax Credits, but we will also help you complete your R&D Tax Credit Application on the day. 

To find out if you are eligible please CLICK HERE to view our Eventbrite Invitation, and if you are – then why not register?! You have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. 

Following on from our recent ‘Do’s and Don’t of meeting with an Angel Investor, we have had some more feedback from our Investors that we wanted to share with you. When meeting with an Angel Investor it’s important to:

  • Have a clear business plan that is well thought out
  • Clarify what the current shareholder/loan structure looks like
  • Know your numbers
  • Know the size of the market/opportunity
  • Have collateral – take sample products and supporting material
  • Explain the challenges you face

Make sure you also ask an Investor what they could bring to this relationship and how much time they can commit. If you are looking for support as well as Investment, be sure to let the Investors know what help you need so they know if they can contribute.

If you are looking for funding or interested in finding out more about the funding landscape, then just get in touch. With pitching sessions most weeks there are so many opportunities to secure the funding and support you are looking for.

Is Angel Investment right for you? A few months ago we did our first podcast and we would love for you to give it a listen and let us know what you thought of it. Is there anything you would like us to cover in future podcasts? Let us know! 


Are you looking to make an R&D Tax Credit claim but are unsure how to go about this? We are running a FREE event at Wizu Workspaces in Leeds to help you do just that. Not only will we give you a brief overview of R&D Tax Credits, but we will also help you complete your R&D Tax Credit Application on the day. 

To find out if you are eligible please CLICK HERE to view our Eventbrite Invitation, and if you are – then why not register?! You have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. 

With school holidays and the huge surge in everyone packing up and heading abroad for a week or two it’s difficult for businesses to run as usual. We (like lots of companies) find that August is a quiet month, we don’t even run pitching sessions during this time because everyone would have to dial in remotely from around the globe! 
I don’t think we would be alone in looking forward to September and business resuming as normal. Our pitching sessions start up the first week in September, so if you’re looking for funding now is a PERFECT time to get in touch. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy some of the (periodic) sunshine!

We recently released some pitching tips from our Angels which we hope you found useful! There’s a few more that we wanted to share with you, here are some extra tips:

  • Define any unique selling point or point of difference 
  • Have clear financials and be able to support them 
  • Explain the business history to date 
  • Decide on what you want the outcome of your pitch to be and focus on delivering that message
  • Ask yourself “If I was an Investor, what would I want to know about the business or offer?”, then be sure to cover this 
  • Be realistic with your deal offer  
  • Spend as much time engaging with your audience as possible 
  • Be prepared for challenging questions. These are not asked to trip you up, but to better understand your business/the deal offer

If you would like to find out more about pitching and how we can help you secure the funding and support you are looking for, then just get in touch.


We asked some of our Angels what they are looking for when considering Investment opportunities, here is what they said:

  • A clear exit strategy – remember though, an Investor’s exit strategy doesn’t have to be your exit strategy!
  • Founders who are credible that the Angels can and want to work with. Angels invest in the people behind the business, people who they think can make a business, any business, a success.
  • A return – whilst it might only be a forecast, tell the Angel Investor what you believe to be a realistic return and what the expected timeline to achieve this is.
  • Tax efficient Investments. 80% of Angel Investments in the UK are made under SEIS/EIS, so make sure you know if your business qualifies.
  • A business idea with growth potential, a large target market and the potential to scale easily.

The most common answer from the Angels though (which might surprise you) is that they want to Invest in a business where they can add real value and make a difference. Angels get a great deal of satisfaction from sharing their wisdom, making connections and helping a business succeed in a sector that they are passionate and experienced in.

If you are ready to start your Investment journey, then just GET IN TOUCH. With pitching sessions most weeks there are even more opportunities to secure the funding and support you’re looking for. 

Looking at the second half of this year’s calendar it’s quite obvious where we are spending most of our time, and that is running pitching sessions! We have pitching sessions most weeks, so there’s even more opportunities to secure the funding and support you are looking for. Just get in touch if you are interested in starting your funding journey

“A common mistake of Entrepreneurs is they want to launch version 10. Microsoft launched version 1, if it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for us!”

A big thank you to everyone who attended today’s Investor Readiness event in Leeds – we hope it was useful and we look forward to having further conversations with you about your Funding journey!

If you’re interested in attending a future event then just get in touch.

Investor Readiness collage

When you first meet with an Angel Investor you’re bound to feel a tad apprehensive. After all, you’ve usually got a lot riding on the success of these meetings so it’s important to get it right from the start. 
We posed some questions to our Angel members to find out what their suggested “do’s” and “don’ts” are. Here is what they said:
  • Lay out ALL the skeletons! There are not many businesses out there that are perfect, and the likelihood is that an Angel Investor has heard it all before. If you’re honest and upfront from the start not only will you be saving both yourself and the Investor a lot of time (because it will all come out in the due diligence stage) but you will increase the chance of a positive outcome if you’ve shown integrity. Building trust with an Investor is so important. 
  • Get to understand what the Angel is looking for and what they can offer you. It’s a two way street. As much as an Investor is getting to know you and your business it’s also important for you to get to know them. Ask yourself the questions: Could I work with them? What value could they bring to the table? Do they know your industry? Do they fill some of the gaps in your team’s skillset? 
  • Show an understanding of your customers and how to reach them. Even if an Angel Investor knows your sector and route to market well they want to know that you do. Know the size of your market opportunity and demonstrate your knowledge of your customer base.
  • Don’t overvalue your business. In terms of the financial of brand equity be realistic. 
  • Don’t Just target investors for their money alone. Always seek out Angels that can add more value to the business than just capital. People you can work with, learn from and open up wider networks for your products/services. 
  • Don’t pretend to be someone that you’re not. People invest in people. It’s important to be yourself and lay all the cards on the table. Our Investors always invest in a grade A team with a grade B product and never the other way around. People at are the centre of all Investment opportunities that come through our door, so let them get to know you!  
Use the time as a learning experience. Even if you don’t get Investor interest, leave the meeting with ideas on how you could improve for next time. Make notes on the questions that you’ve been asked, the areas you didn’t cover and the feedback you were given. This will prove invaluable for your next Investor meeting.  
If you would like to find out more about pitching at one of our Angel Groups just get in touch