Following on from this week’s Angel only event in Leeds we are now planning our next ones across our regions. These events are always so well received by our Angel members, the value our partners bring to the Investment process is evident in the vast amount of questions they get!

If you would like to find out more about our Partners and how they can help then just get in touch

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Yesterday was our Angel Only Event in Leeds. Our speakers delivered fantastic presentations on:

  • Angel Investment
  • EIS/SEIS Tax Planning
  • Shareholder Agreements
  • High Growth & Entrepreneurs
  • Assessing Investment Opportunities

A big thank you to our partners for helping make this event the huge success that it was, we look forward to running more of these events in the near future.


We are currently pulling together syndicates for 10 of the businesses we have had pitch over the past few months. Syndicates are common for Angel Investments and have huge advantages for both the business and the Investors. For the businesses this means more Angels, which in turn means more expertise and skills around the table. For the Angels this means sharing in both the risks and the rewards associated in Equity funding. Our experience shows that more deals are completed when a syndicate comes together. We’re really excited to be supporting these businesses along their funding journeys, and look forward to seeing their growth potential realised once the deals are completed.

We find that a lot of the businesses that come to us looking for funding have pitched before. The reason they have been unsuccessful in securing Angel Investment is not because their business isn’t good enough. We find it’s because they haven’t known how best to position themselves to Investors, therefore the Angels didn’t understand the proposition so therefore didn’t invest.

We don’t put a business in to one of  our pitching sessions without first making sure they are Investor ready. Investor readiness is such an important step in the funding journey. After all, you wouldn’t run a race without the correct equipment and training, so you have to be prepared to put in some hard work to have the best possible chance in securing the funding and support you’re looking for. 

When working with a business to make them Investor ready, we cover the following:

  • Language – we always say that business speak French while Angels speak German. We work as an interpreter between the two to help you communicate effectively. 
  • The numbers 
  • The business plan 
  • The company’s current position 
  • The risks 
  • The timing of funding 
  • The most appropriate funding route 
  • Who is your ideal Angel – who would add the most value 
  • The pitch – preparation and delivery  
  • Existing share agreements 
  • Intellectual Property 

If you would like to find out more about Investor readiness and how this could help your business, just get in touch.

Have you ever considered looking for investment for your business and wondered what it’s all about, how it works, what the investors are looking for or how to value your business? Yes, well this event is for you.

We are running another of our FREE training sessions on how to become Investor ready. The training includes:

  • Is investment right for you
  • Angel or Crowd Funding
  • Valuation – what is your strategy
  • What an angel is looking for
  • What does your perfect angel look like
  • Pitching for investment

Register now to secure your spot!

Investor Readiness

For innovative businesses R&D tax credits are a way of claiming tax back from HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs). R&D tax credits have been around for over 15 years yet by HMRC’s own statistics the relief is not being claimed as expected, especially in the SME sector.

SME – for the purpose of R&D tax credits an SME company is one with less than 500 employees and either:

  • Turnover less than €100m; or
  • Balance sheet total less than €86m

A company in any sector can potentially claim R&D tax credits, the key point is whether there are qualifying R&D activities being undertaken.

For every £10,000 spent on qualifying R&D the company can claim an additional £13,000 of tax relief 

To find out if you qualify and to learn more about R&D tax credits CLICK HERE to view the HMRC guidelines.

If you think you qualify and would like to make a claim just GET IN TOUCH.

We hope to hear from you soon.

A few weeks ago we went over to Tech Manchester to record our first every podcast as part of their Fast Forward episodes – Is Angel Investment right for you? We would love for you to give it a listen!

Today we’re taking part in the Sheffield Chamber Investment Clinic at the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce. We’ve already met with some really great SME’s who are looking in to what their funding options are. There are lots of ways in which you can fund your SME, get in touch to find out more about the funding landscape.

This week we are hosting our next Angel Only event over in York – these events are perfect if you’ve invested in the past and looking for a refresher, are an active Investor or are looking to become one. Subjects covered include: SEIS/EIS, Shareholders Agreements, A bank’s perspective and an Angel case study to put everything into context. If you interested in attending this event there’s still spaces available. Get in touch to find out more.

Over the next couple of months we are running some more Angel Only educational events at our Leeds and York groups. If you’re interested in becoming an Angel Investor or are actively investing then these events are for you! We have some fantastic speakers who will cover the following subjects:

  • An overview of Angel Investment
  • SEIS/EIS Tax Benefits 
  • Shareholder Agreements 
  • A Bank’s perspective 
  • A case study to put Angel Investment into context 

If you would like to learn more about these events then please GET IN TOUCH and we will send you across the relevant information and invitation.

There are two types of angel investor, which are passive and active. Passive traditionally falls into the Crowd funding arena as a business would rarely get to meet the individuals who are investing. We work with active angel investors – people who will not only invest in the business but will also lend their support. Research from the UK Business Angel Association clearly shows how such support positively impacts on the growth and likely success of a business.

We currently have Angel Groups in the Leeds, Humber, York, Grimsby, Sheffield, Barnsley and Lincoln Regions. There is a considerable pool of both investment and support and our investors are looking for the next ambitious, high-growth business to work with – get in touch to find out more.

We’re really looking forward to taking part in the next Sheffield Chamber Investment Clinic in May. The last clinic was great, we got to meet with some fantastic businesses who were beginning to explore the funding landscape. If you’re looking to access a range of funding solutions and are wanting to find out what is available to you – then come along and have a chat. Book now to secure your spot!

Chamber Invest