Yesterday saw the launch of our new angelgroups-Barnsley group. We held the first pitching session yesterday afternoon and it was a great success. Well done to all the businesses that pitched and a big thank you to our partners who helped support the event and bring it all together! We’re really looking forward to growing this group, Barnsley has such a big SME market and we can’t wait to get working with some of the fantastic businesses that reside here. If you’re looking for funding or interested in finding out more then just get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

We had a great start to the pitching year yesterday as we ran pitching sessions for both our Leeds and Sheffield groups. We had some really exciting businesses pitch, with lost of Angel interest. All the businesses delivered fantastic pitches – well done!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. We are fully back into the swing of things and with 5 pitching sessions, 2 Angel Only events and an Investor Readiness Session in January alone we certainly have a lot to keep us busy! If you’re interested in learning more about the Funding landscape then why not come along to our FREE Investor Readiness training in a couple of weeks time? Register now to secure your spot!

Investor R 2

What a year…! As we imagine all businesses do in the run up to the festive period, we are reflecting on 2018. We are thrilled to say this year has been fantastic for angelgroups. We started off the year opening our next groups covering the York and Grimsby regions, these have proved to be a huge success and continue to grow alongside our other groups.

We now have 8 angel groups and have been able to hold a remarkable 38 pitching sessions as well as running Angel Only events and Investor Readiness sessions for the businesses. We’ve had some incredible businesses pitch and have been able to conclude deals on many of these. The support the Angels continue to provide the businesses is fantastic, with many making crucial connections and making a real difference to the growth of the company.

The biggest change for angelgroups this year is the start of our Franchise business! Having already established our first two franchisees and in detailed talks with several others we couldn’t have got off to a better start.

2019 promises to be yet another fantastic year for angelgroups. We have so many exciting plans that we’re really looking forward to sharing.

We have 30 pitching sessions scheduled for the first half of next year already. What better way to start the year than securing funding and support for your business. Drop us an email at [email protected] if you would like to learn more.  

From everyone here at angelgroups we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


We have several Angel Only events planned for the start of 2019. These events are perfect for existing Angel Investors and those wanting to find out more about becoming an Angel Investor. The events have speakers covering: an overview of Angel Investment, SEIS/EIS Tax benefits, Shareholders Agreements, a Bank’s perspective and an Angel case study. If you’re interested in attending one of these events then please get in touch to find out more. 

There are only a couple of weeks left of 2018! Last week we had our last pitching sessions of the year and are now looking to next year’s events. We have 6 pitching sessions in January alone, so now is a great time to get in touch if you are looking for funding or wanting to find out more about the funding landscape. We hope to hear from you soon!

Financial Pulse Limited is looking to procure the consultancy services of a systems expert to ensure that the design of angelgroups platform meets the new business needs from a delivery, cost and compliance perspective. As well as scoping of the project and coaching and guiding senior team once complete. If you’re interested of know of anyone who might be then please get in touch

We are running a FREE Investor Readiness Training session in Leeds that we would like to invite you to. This event will cover the following topics:

  • Is investment right for you
  • Angel or Crowd Funding
  • Valuation – what is your strategy
  • What an angel is looking for
  • What does your perfect angel look like
  • Pitching for investment

The details for this event are:

L E E D S   I N V E S T O R   R E A D I N E S S   T R A I N I N G 

D A T E : 18th January

T I M E : 8.45am start with a 12.30pm finish

L O C A T I O N : NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator, 2 Park Cross Street, Leeds, LS1 2QH



Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Yesterday we attended the Women Angels of the North Investment Forum in Leeds and what an event it was! It was great to hear from a group of really inspiring women and listen to both the entrepreneurs and Investors stories. Women Angels make up such a small percentage of the overall Investor pool. It’s really important these events are ran to help encourage women considering this route that Angel Investment is NOT gender specific. We look forward to supporting more events like this in the future. 

We are really looking forward to attending the Women Angels of the North Investment Forum next week in Leeds and meeting some of the influential women who are funding entrepreneurs. This is a fantastic event for women from the Northern Regions interested in hearing more about Women Angel Investing. If you’re interested in attending then please REGISTER HERE or CLICK HERE to find out more. hashtagIf you

Are you looking to grow your business and explore your funding options? We still have lots of pitching sessions before the end of the year, where you can pitch for both funding and/or support. In addition to this we also explore the various other funding options available for your business. Get in touch to find out more.

We’ve had a really busy couple of weeks running our pitching sessions and being part of the Digital Shift Summit and the Best of Both Hubs – Finance for Growth events. Both events were fantastic and we really enjoyed running our Investor Readiness training sessions as part of the workshops. We met some exciting businesses and are really looking forward to supporting some of them in their funding journey. Before the end of October we have 3 more pitching events as well as running another of our Investor Readiness sessions. If you’re looking for funding or wanting to learn more then just get in touch – we would love to hear from you.