We’ve had another great week! On Tuesday we attended the Scale Yorkshire event at PWC in Leeds and watched 9 businesses pitch. All the businesses did a great job and we wish them every success in the future. On Tuesday afternoon we ran an Angel only event in Hull alongside our partners. It was a fantastic session, thank you again to our partners who helped make it a great success. On Wednesday we attended the Raising Finance event as part of Leeds Digital Festival. This was an extremely well attended event and we were thrilled to be asked to talk and provide an insight into the world of Angel Investing. Then yesterday we had our latest York pitching event where 5 businesses pitched. This group is still in it’s infancy but is already set to be a fantastic group and we are really pleased with the level of interest it’s received in the area. On top of all of this, we have also met with some really interesting businesses and are looking forward to working with them in the upcoming weeks. All in all it’s been a great week – and the sunshine has been the cherry on top of the cake!

Next week we are running an Angel Only event in Hull. Here a range of speakers will be covering the main investment process, tax and legal challenges around angel investing, a detailed case-study to put everything into context, a Bank’s perspective then concluding with a panel of investors taking open questions from the audience. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who is new to Angel Investing and current Angels. If you would like to receive an invite please get in touch.

For the Angel:

Following on from a fantastic week of events we are now looking to the next few months where we will be holding even more. In a few weeks we will be running another Angel Only event but this time for the Humber region on the 17th of April. These events are a great opportunity for those who are interested in learning a bit more about becoming an Angel Investor as well as an opportunity for existing Angels to refresh their knowledge and understanding. 
For the Business:
Over the next few months we are running upwards of 15 pitching sessions across our 5 regions. We offer access to a range of finance so now is a great time to get in touch and begin your funding journey. We hope to hear from you soon.

Tomorrow is our Angel Only event in Grimsby. We have some fantastic speakers covering a range of subjects aimed at giving an insight into the world of Angel Investing. This will be the first event of it’s kind in the Grimsby region, we hope to do even more in the future. Following this, we have our next Humber pitching event on Thursday where we have a great group of businesses pitching. All in all this is set to be an excellent week – let’s get started!

A fascinating look into the world of Angel investing.

In a couple of weeks time we will be running an Angel Only event in Grimsby. Here a range of speakers will be covering the main investment process, tax and legal challenges around angel investing, a detailed case-study to put everything into context, a Bank’s perspective then concluding with a panel of investors taking open questions from the audience. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who is new to Angel Investing and current Angels. If you would like to receive an invite please get in touch.

In our experience when businesses are looking for funding they have already been exploring various options, but what brings them to decide upon Angel Investment is what we like to call the power of Angels.
What we mean by this, is that this form of investment often comes with a great deal of support. Growing a business can not only be immensely challenging, but also incredibly lonely. This is why a lot of businesses seek active Investors who can not only provide funding and mentoring support but can also act as a sounding board – a sounding board with a vested interest in your business.
We launched our new, York group last week and it was a huge success. We had some fantastic businesses pitching with some great feedback from the Angels. It was the first of many pitching events we will be running in the region. Including our existing four groups we now have pitching events most weeks so there are so many opportunities to pitch for investment and support.
However, unlike other angel sources of funding we don’t just focus on angel investment, but consider all your funding options including R&D tax credits, Innovation Grant Funding and local support programmes. We feel by looking at your funding options you may not have to dilute your shares as much and the investor may not have to take as much risk.

If you are looking for funding then please REGISTER HERE, there is a short questionnaire which gives us a better understanding of your businesses funding challenges. Following this, someone will be in touch to discuss this further.

If you are interested in finding out more just GET IN TOUCH.

We are launching our new Angel Group in York.

With a fantastic group of businesses pitching we hope it will be a great first event, with many more to come. 

CLICK HERE to read more about the launch of our new group.

We had our first pitching session of the year this week over in Hull. We had a fantastic group of businesses pitching which made for a great event. Our Leeds and Sheffield City Region pitching sessions are next week, where we have more exciting businesses lined up – start as you mean to go on as they say!

We launched our Grimsby group back in November and had a great first event, with some fantastic businesses pitching. We are really looking forward to future events in this area and our continuing growth – 2018 is an exciting year for us! 

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Five simple questions that could change your life:
  • Have you got the skills to support high-growth SME businesses? 
  • Do you understand the funding landscape in your region?
  • Have you got the ability to engage to with business owners, angel investors and professional partners alike?
  • Can you run live pitching sessions to investors?
  • Are you well established with the high-growth fraternity in your region 
If you answered yes and running your own franchise excites you, then we would love to hear from you.

We have less than two weeks until our first pitching event of 2018. We are really looking forward to getting these sessions back up and running after the festive period. If you are looking for funding please get in touch. We have lots of events lined up and are always looking for exciting businesses to pitch!