Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great time over the festive period. We are excited to announce that we are opening up a new group next month which will cover the York region. We are really looking forward to our first pitching event there and are so pleased to be expanding yet again. What a great way to start the New Year.

2017 has truly been a great year for angelgroups! We started off the year opening up our Sheffield City Region group which has been a great success. With our Leeds and Humber groups continuing to grow we have managed to hold 30 pitching events throughout the course of the year. Each event has had a fantastic group of businesses pitch and many have received the funding and support they were looking for. 

In addition to the pitching events we have also held Angel only events to introduce potential Angels into the funding world. We have also held several events at the businesses premises to give interested Angels a greater insight into the business and the workings of the technology/product.

We have just opened up our new Angel Group which will cover the Grimsby/Lincoln regions and had our first pitching event here a few weeks ago. This was a great event with some fantastic feedback from the Angels. We are really looking forward to future events in this region.

At the start of 2018 we will be opening up yet another Angel Group, which will cover the York region – which we are extremely excited about! We can’t wait to get into the New Year and start growing our new groups and continue to grow our existing ones. 

If 2018 has been anything like 2017 then we will be in for yet another fantastic year.

As always, if you are looking for funding then just get in touch as we would love to hear from you.

From everyone here at angelgroups we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This week we have had our final pitching events of 2017. This year we have been able to run 30 pitching session as well as educational and Angel only events.

Roll on the New Year, where we hope to hold even more as we launch our new group covering the York region. Exciting times, but for now…where are those mince pies?!