Good news Friday – another fantastic business funded!

Unfortunately we can’t share the full details of this exciting business as they’re still finalising their round and are not quite ready to shout it from the rooftops.

We can share something from our MD Martin Avison though who worked closely with them on their raise. He said, “We are delighted to have concluded the round. Not only is this a great business with an excellent founder but they have the potential to provide real, substantial benefits to their target audience – literally, life changing”.

It’s an incredibly exciting business, who are making a real difference to a lot of people. We wish them (they know who they are!) every success in their growth journey.

There’s only a few weeks to go until our ‘Supporting High Growth in the North East’ event. The event will be held in Newcastle and is aimed at all businesses who are (or will be) looking for funding to grow and scale their business. Our speakers include:

– RTC North, High Growth Support
– Ryecroft Glenton, R&D Tax Credits and SEIS/EIS
– Barclays Eagle Labs, Eagle Labs and the High Growth Team
– Ward Hadaway, the main legal considerations

We will be talking about the angel investment process and how to prepare for funding.

You can register for the event HERE.

We hope to see lots of high growth businesses at the event.

With the end of the tax year approaching, we are seeing an increase in investors looking to use up their SEIS/EIS allowances. We are also getting a lot of applications from businesses looking for investment, so it’s been a busy start to the year!

If you fall into one of these categories then we would be delighted to hear from you. We run four pitch events per month, so we are always looking for exciting high growth businesses and investors seeking opportunities.

Are you a North East business? We are running an event next month which will be an in-depth look at angel investment and the connected ecosystem across the North East.

We have some fantastic speakers joining us, who will be discussing:

– RTC North, High Growth Support
– Ryecroft Glenton, R&D Tax Credits and SEIS/EIS
– Barclays Eagle Labs, Eagle Labs and the High Growth Team
– Ward Hadaway, the main legal considerations

We will also be coving angel investment in the region. To register for this event, just CLICK HERE.

We hope to see lots of exciting high growth SME’s there!

A big thank you to everyone who made it down to yesterday’s pitch event in Leeds. Which was our first in-person event of 2023!

Well done to the 4 businesses who have pitched with us this week. We’re delighted to say that all of the founders received investor interest and are now moving to due diligence where the investors will take a deeper dive into their business opportunity.

All in all, a fantastic start to this year’s events!

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a wonderful time over the festive season and are now ready to hit the ground running with your 2023 plans.

2022 seemed to fly by, as everyone picked up the pieces of the last couple of years. We’re looking forward to a positive 2023 and everything it has to offer.

We wish you a wonderful start to the year!

With only a couple of days left until Christmas we wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

We have run 49 events this year and worked with some fantastic founders and their teams on their funding. We have welcomed new investors to our groups, finalised lots of funding rounds, worked with some brilliant partners, and are proud of the continued work we do for the Investing in Women Code. All in all, it’s been another fantastic year!

We’ve been planning our 2023 activities and can’t wait to get started in the New Year. But for now, it’s time to enjoy the festive season and that begins now with cracking open the Christmas biscuits!

Merry Christmas everyone.

We are delighted to have invested in the business Fact360!

FACT360 uses proprietary ML technology to analyse communications (email, chat rooms, voice and more) to spot anomalies in behaviour that is bias-free. They are an out of the box SaaS or on premise solution sold on a subscription basis.

They have very clear market demand and will significantly reduce the risk within their target sectors.

Andy Slater, Commercial Director said, “It was great and very easy to work with the team from angelgroups and the investment we retained will help us deliver on the next stages of growth”

This truly transformational technology has been developed by an equally impressive team and we wish them every success as they continue to grow!

This afternoon was our last in-person event for 2022!

It’s been a fantastic year for our events as we reintroduced our physical events, and are thrilled to announce that our Leeds events next year will ALL be in-person.

Well done to the great businesses who made their way to Leeds for this afternoon’s event, and a big thank you to Ward Hadaway for hosting a terrific event.

We had a fantastic time at yesterday’s Early-Stage Investment Summit in Manchester. Our Founder Martin Avison was on the panel for emerging themes, trends and sectors for the North alongside some great panelists.

A big thank you to team at UK Business Angels Association, Roderick Beer, Annabel Gabrielle Arhin, and Jenny Tooth OBE for inviting us to be part of your event.

We had a fantastic day shouting about how great the North is!

Our Christmas pitch events are fast approaching!

We have 4 pitch events in December to end the year with a bang. Our end of year events are always a favorite with our investors as it not only provides them with an opportunity to see some fantastic investment opportunities, but also give them a chance to have a good old catch up with their peers before the end of the year.
We still have pitch slots available so if you’re looking to grow your business in 2023 then we would be delighted to hear from you. Just register HERE to begin the process.
Let’s finish 2022 on a high!

We’re up in Newcastle today for this afternoon’s pitch event!

Today’s pitching businesses all received interest at yesterday’s online event with us, so we’re delighted to bring these opportunities to our Newcastle Angel Group.

Some of yesterday’s feedback included “Loved it”, “Really strong proposition”, and “Very compelling team”. We have no doubt that the founders will deliver fantastic pitches this afternoon. Good luck everyone.

A big thank you to our partners for their support as always: Barclays Wealth Management, Ryecroft Glenton, and Ward Hadaway.