In other news, today Martin Avison is in Leeds for our first pitch event of the month. Ward Hadaway is hosting this months in person pitching session, and we are looking forward to seeing all the businesses who have been working hard over the last few weeks to get ‘pitch ready’.

We wish them all the very best of luck!

Today Martin Avison is in London with the British Business Bank at their Angel Group Symposium event in partnership with angelgroups, Incluziv and Mills & Reeve. Martin is part of the panel at the ‘Structuring Your Angel Group’ session.

They will be hearing from industry leaders who will dive into different organisational structures to considerations for legal and regulatory compliance, governance, and decision-making processes and crucially, commercial viability.

Good luck to all involved and we look forward to hearing all about it on Martin’s return.

As we approach Easter, we would just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and thank you for keeping us busy in the first quarter of 2024 and at our last in-person event at Ward Hadaway.

April is set to be another fantastic month with 12 businesses pitching across our online and in-person events, alongside an angel only educational event.

If you are thinking of joining us, register here – or email us on [email protected] for more information.

Another great quote from when we were over at The Business Village – one we think is quite fitting as we head into our first Leeds pitching event of 2024 this week.

Has there ever been a time where you dropped your fears and took a chance?

Do you enjoy networking?

One piece of positive feedback we regularly get from our SMEs is around networking during our in-person events. We believe networking between SMEs and angels is such an important part of our events, where they can get to know those in the room and find some common ground. We believe networking is invaluable during our pitching event.

We always include networking, and the feedback from SMEs shows they are glad we do!


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Occuity pitched with us earlier this year and we were delighted to support them in their raise. This was a hugely popular investment opportunity amongst our angel network. They were excited by the innovation, product and most importantly the team. We were thrilled to have so many of our members invest in this opportunity.

In Occuity’s end of year review they highlighted their investment round as follows:

“Welcoming a large number of new Angel investors as shareholders – It was great to see that our business, technology and mission (to improve the lives of millions of people across the globe) clearly resonated with investors.”

We wish them every success in 2022 and look forward to following their story as they grow and scale in the years to come.