We are running a FREE Investor Readiness Training session in Leeds that we would like to invite you to. This event will cover the following topics:

  • Is investment right for you
  • Angel or Crowd Funding
  • Valuation – what is your strategy
  • What an angel is looking for
  • What does your perfect angel look like
  • Pitching for investment

The details for this event are:

L E E D S   I N V E S T O R   R E A D I N E S S   T R A I N I N G 

D A T E : 18th January

T I M E : 8.45am start with a 12.30pm finish

L O C A T I O N : NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator, 2 Park Cross Street, Leeds, LS1 2QH



Please get in touch if you have any questions.